TooManyTabs Arrange Tabs and Save Memory In Firefox & Chrome
In my previous article where I wrote about two Chrome extensions Unload and TabMemFree, which are used to clean up memory and CPU from extra load of Chrome tabs, I found lack of features in both extensions. I wanted something more complete and better to handle memory and CPU usage issues. Googling showed TooManyTabs. The good thing is this one extension is available for both famous browsers, Chrome and Firefox. TooManyTabs has same features for both browsers though visual interaction is different. There will not be any problem using it on your favorite browser.
If you haven’t read my previous article, no problem. We talked if for some reason (students, researchers, professors and professionals needs no reason to open many tabs. They have to because they need more knowledge than others) you have to open many tabs in Chrome or Firefox, the use of RAM and CPU increases with each tab. The result will be lazy computer performance and time consuming outputs. It may possible you slap your computer as I have done resulting a destroyed computer. The solution for extra open tabs is to park them without loosing the info. Parking is such way whenever needed, the tab opens again with all information intact.
Using TooManyTabs is quite easy. I will explain how you can use it in both browsers, Firefox and Chrome. I think, Chrome’s TooManyTabs visual is attractive.
TooManyTabs For Firefox: After installing TooManyTabs, you will notice a new TooManyTabs Toolbar just below the Tab Toolbar. If you want to park any tab to free up computer resources, you need to drag that tab to this new TooManyTabs Toolbar. The other way is when you move mouse cursor on that tab, the favicon will change to downward arrow, click on arrow to park the tab. You can park as many tabs as you want. These tabs will keep their title which makes it easy to find which tab you need to acess again. Single click on any parked tab will give it life and it will be shown in your normal Tab Toolbar. When you park any tab to free up PC resources, all the plugins and extensions being used on that tab are also parked.
In the following picture, you can see Row menu. It let you group parked tabs into different rows which helps you if have grouped the parked tabs. You can change Row word to any meaningful word which will help you what tab is parked in which row.
TooManyTabs For Chrome: TooManyTabs for Chrome is very pleasant to interact. You get its own interaction box. Click on the icon and a window like below will open. The opened tabs can be seen on left side of the window. To park those tabs, drag to right column. Every dragged tab will not be shown in the Tab bar but it is still accessible from TooManyTabs window. Clicking on any parked tab will open it in normal Tab bar.