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Google+ Closing on April 2, 2019 for Consumers


            <a href="https://computelogy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Google-Plus-Closing-Warning-Message.png"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-227213" src="https://computelogy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Google-Plus-Closing-Warning-Message.png" alt="Google Plus Closing Warning Message" width="985" height="361" /></a>

A few months ago, I wrote about Google Plus shutting down in 10 months. But it seems they are moving fast to kill it. A few hours ago, I saw a notice on my Google+ page: Your Google+ account is going away on April 2, 2019.  Google is advising to backup your data, whether you have just a Google+ page or a whole community. The data can be downloaded.

Google is hammering a few last nails into Google+ coffin. Corporate sector will get a few more months after April 2, 2019, which is the last date for the non-corporate consumer. On that date, all the data fed into Google+ will be lost. So, to save the data, it should be downloaded before that date. If you have precious data which you want to download, you must act now.

As for creating new Google+ profiles or communities, the last date is February 4, 2019. After this date, no new Google+ page or community can be created.

For a community owner or moderator, some new features regarding data download will be available in March.

  • As early as February 4th, you will no longer be able to create new Google+ profiles, pages, communities or events. See the full FAQ for more details and updates leading up to the shutdown.
  • If you’re a Google+ Community owner or moderator, you may download and save your data for your Google+ Community. Starting early March 2019, additional data will be available for download, including author, body, and photos for every community post in a public community. Learn more
  • If you sign in to sites and apps using the Google+ Sign-in button, these buttons will stop working in the coming weeks but in some cases may be replaced by a Google Sign-in button. You’ll still be able to sign in with your Google Account wherever you see Google Sign-in buttons. Learn more
  • If you’ve used Google+ for comments on your own or other sites, this feature will be removed from Blogger by February 4th and other sites by March 7th. All your Google+ comments on all sites will be deleted starting April 2, 2019. Learn more
  • If you’re a G Suite customer, Google+ for your G Suite account should remain active. Contact your G Suite administrator for more details. You can also expect a new look and new features soon. Learn more
  • If you’re a developer using Google+ APIs or Google+ Sign-in, click here to see how this will impact you.

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