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Get Free UpdateStar Premium v6.0 b1036 Genuine Six Months License


There are a few companies which make me very happy. Because, regularly they keep on giving away time limited or unlimited pro versions of their flagship products on different occasions. This is another way of marketing but whatever, those who knew about this way, they always wait to get free. Just as I do, as I have told you that I am reducing dependency on shareware. There are a few software which I always want to have on my computer but I do not wanna spend a single penny: Emsisoft AntiMalware. These companies which offer their pro products with short intervals are Ashampoo (1, 2, 3, 4), UpdateStar (1, 2,), Emsisoft (1, 2) and many more.

If you have read my previous articles about UpdateStar Premium Edition Promos (here, here), you knew that I have mentioned a few but very important missing features. Those features are still missing. If they could have integrated those features, that would have been a great success and UpdateStar Premium Edition might have become  No.1. In fact, instead of integrating those missing features, they created new product to get more money. On the other hand, they added one feature which has never been desired in UpdateStar Premium Edition.

UpdateStar team should understand that a home user like me is not willing to pay €29.90 just to get software updates. The reason is we do not install tens of software in home PC. In normal home PC we have security software, Office suite, some programming software, news reader, a few other applications. If we set automatic update checking in all installed software, which is normally enabled by default, we will never be in need of UpdateStar Premium Edition. You may ask why I am writing this article? There might be some friends who need it, that’s why. There are alternative freeware and I will prefer those alternatives in such case.

The still missing features in UpdateStar Premium Edition, which I have requested, in UpdateStar Premium Edition are Driver Update and Direct Download. Instead of integrating driver updating feature, they created new separate shareware product. You need to buy it. And for Direct download feature, they integrated it but still your browser will open when you do direct download of update or upgrade. They added registry cleaner. What a pity, do we need one more registry cleaner? If you notice in the photo, you will see that they are not monitoring FileHippo.com Update Checker because that is freeware rival product. Such foolish behavior of big names makes me sick. You can read more about its features here:


GET FREE: Thanks to Zsolt who let me knew about this promo. Open the following webpage into your browser and just give your eMail and submit it. Then check your eMail and you will have your six months valid license of UpdateStar Premium Edition v6. Use this license to register your copy.



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This is super good software what ever software comes out they have a patch for it to back it the software is the best there is. I only had a disk onw but i was abke to try it out and it is the best backup that the PC I wish you the best luck… Read more »

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