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Comodo Backup 4 – Upload & Share 2GB File – Mount Online Storage Locally – 5GB Free Online Backup [Pictorial]


Computers can crash when we do not expect the happenings. Data can be lost without proper reason. In case, if you have huge amount of digitally stored data, like audio, videos, documents, photos, email and more, in your computer, it is always wise decision to have backed up your precious data. There are many free valuable data backup software available. Comodo Backup is the precious one standing at top. It comes in two modes: Freeware and Paid. We will talk about the free version. Current version of Comodo Backup is 4.0.7.

Comodo Backup Free has all the features, which you will find in any other software, of data backup. In fact, it has advanced features compared to any other free backup software. You can backup Files and Directories, disk, partitions, MBR (master boot record), registry, folders, email accounts, instant messenger conversations, system state, etc. You can choose from where you want to take backup. You have multiple options for the backup format: CBU file, Simple Copy, ZIP, ISO, Self Extracting CBU, Syncronize Data, etc. You can also take backup from FTP, Comodo Online Backup and from Network. Writing about all features will simply become lengthy and it is not possible to do in one article.

What was the reason I selected Comodo Backup Free Online? It is quite possible that we may have a big file to be shared. We can use P2P and online storage. And because of 2GB single file size which we can upload, download and share through Comodo Backup, I decided to write about it. Majority of online backup services can not let you upload, share and download files over 500MB. I think, famous Windows SkyDrive gives only 100MB file limit though we get 25GB online storage. You can mount your online storage in your explorer. Simply, 2GB file size motivated me to write about Comodo Backup Free Online storage. I have created a pictorial on Upload and Share file in Comodo Backup. Hopefully, it will be helpful.

If you use Comodo Backup software or locally mounted online storage, the data transfer speed is astonishing. I transferred 800MB in less than 20 seconds. To use online storage by Comodo, you have three different ways and we will see all three ways:

  1. By Comodo Backup Software
  2. By locally mounted online drive
  3. By using browser

First of all you need to create your account on Comodo Backup Online. Up to 5GB storage limit is free. Go ahead and create the account:

Download Comodo Online Backup from here:

I suppose you have installed it. After installation, it will ask you to restart your computer. Just do it as it has asked.

Transferred Data To Online Storage By Comodo Backup Free: After restarting PC, run Comodo Backup. In left pane, you will see Online Storage. Just click on it. Now you will be asked to login. In fact, you are logging into your online data storage.

After login, you will see that there are two more inner panes in the right pane: Inner Left Pane and Inner Right Pane. In inner left pane, you will see your local system in hierarchy. Inner right pane is showing your online storage space. Now select the data, which you want to backup online, from inner left pane. Click on arrow key pointing to inner right pane (marked with arrow) and data transfer will start from local computer to Comodo Online Backup.

Transferred Data To Online Storage By Mounting Locally: First you need to mount your online storage space locally. It is easy. After logging in, you will see a button Mount As Drive on inner right pane. Click on it and you will see a new drive mounted in your Windows explorer (My Computer). You simply drag and drop the file in the mounted drive. All dragged files, folders or any other data will be stored to your online storage.

Transferred Data To Online Storage Through Internet Browser: I have checked all three famous browsers: Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer and it worked. Transfer of data through browser is very slow at the speed of snail. I prefer Comodo Backup software and mounting online storage locally.

First of all you need to login to your Comodo Online Backup account through browser. You will see your browser window will look like this. Click on the button Upload and select what you want to upload. It will start uploading. You can rename, transfer, delete, move, share uploaded data.

Share Uploaded Data: You get two ways to share your uploaded data: Through Comodo Backup and Through Browser Interface.

You will see a text Share With Friends at the right lower corner of Comodo Backup. A form will open showing who is sending, custom message and will ask you to enter recipient’s email address. This was you can share your files with others. When doing this, a browser window will open asking you to login to Facebook to find who is also using Comodo Backup. You can simple close this new window.

To share your data thorough browser, check the box at the left of the folder and/or file which you want to share. Now click on the button Share. a blow icon will show up at right of the file/folder which you want to share. Clicking on this blue icon will open a window in the same window showing you the link which you can send as share link. This link will give access to the file which you have shared. To unshare the file/folder, check the box of shared file/folder and press button Unshare.

Hopefully, this will be a helpful pictorial.


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Dear Perti,,
What is better Comodo time machine or comodo backup 4?
Kind regards,


As well I know free users can upload only 50 Mb file size limit


Pogoplug also provide 5GB of storage with unlimited file size,even 5GB..with audio video play support:) Another interesting thing – CHIP.DE – open free legal download Windows 7 iso Home Premium and Professional from Digitalriver here – ;)Just scroll down this page.Regards.


Hi,I do not try,but if not a English,is no problem to translate Windows 7 to English or any other language from update option after installation, is not a Win XP 🙂

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