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No Invitation Required To Signup For Google+


People were just used to Facebook and Twitter social networking sites. On occasions, different companies jumped to create new social networks but could not get big support. You can see Google Buzz. Where it is now? Well, intelligent (not Intel) learns from mistake and this time Google did not make any mistake. They did not jump blindly. With the launch of Google+, alerts were sent to every social networking site on Internet. The fact is no body knows the exact number of people at Google+. The roughly estimated number is between 25-30 million users.

For three months Google+ was only accessible to lucky ones who were invited. Though Google+ was for invitation based only for past 90 days but it got over 25 million profiles (accounts/users). As the platform is open to everybody now, the growth rate should be higher. Have to wait.

Google+ has introduced many new features with this announcement of No Invitation for Google+. The article topic says No Invitation Required To Signup For Google+ – 100th Feature. This means there were 99 features implemented in Google+ before this 100th feature. Today’s article  Google+: 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99… 100., you will see more features introduction as well as coming features introduction.

The most notable feature is Hangouts video chat feature which is available on Android phones running Android 2.3. This feature is coming soon for iOS devices. Newly introduced features in short:

  • Hangouts video chat for mobiles running Android 2.3.
  • Broadcast up to nine different people using Hangouts on Air option.
  • New screen sharing feature for Hangouts.
  • Sketchpad: for when you want to draw, doodle, or just scribble together.
  • Sharing of Google Docs in Hangouts.
  • Named Hangouts: for when you want to join or create a public hangout about a certain topic (like fashion or music or sports…).
  • Read more HERE and HERE.


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