Get Free Mobile Doc Scanner (MDScan) + OCR @GooglePlay

Mobile Doc Scanner (MDScan) + OCR is free gain for limited time. I have shared it a couple of times earlier (here) but just letting you know again in case if you need it and have missed it earlier. With Mobile Doc Scanner + OCR users are free to scan any type of document, ranging from receipts to text pages and almost everything in between, on the go anywhere and anytime. A perfect companion for busy users, Mobile Doc Scanner + OCR allows anyone to transform everything from invoices to whiteboards and classes notes, magazine articles and more into a PDF format in order to easily export them, share and email it to others, or for any other reason they can come up with.
Mobile Doc Scanner (MDScan) + OCR automatically detects borders, corrects distortion, and equalizes brightness to create clear, legible documents at a very high speed for your convenience. It offers Batch shooting mode for a super fast scanning so users can easily scan within seconds multiple pages and save scanned files for batch processing later. The app shines in terms of uploading as well as all document conversion is performed locally right on user’s device. This means that you can upload documents to cloud storage services, including Dropbox, Google Docs, or, email services, or Facebook and Twitter that is guaranteed to go off quickly, without a hitch, and without risk of any potentially sensitive information becoming compromised.
Important: All the freebies mentioned here are free at the time of publishing this article. It may, you see some price tag instead of “Free” when visiting the store which means the product is no longer available as “Free”. Not being free and you buy or download it, you may be charged with the price of the product. Please, also be aware that some apps may have in-app-purchases options.