Mozilla Firefox 9 Final Download For Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
Now we have final release of Mozilla Firefox 9 for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is not a big release except one or two minor improvements. In previous releases, Mozilla team always tried to give some big changes to have a good reason for the upgrade of Firefox. But this time, they truly followed Google Chrome steps as Google is used to do with minor update but shows it as major upgrade with new major version. Well, it has the only effect that I stopped tracking of Google Chrome improvements and new releases.
In my previous article about Firefox 8, I told you about the crash of Firefox 7 with Comodo Firewall. Well, the same problem existed with Firefox 8 and let’s see what happens with Firefox 9. Whenever Comodo Firewall is auto updating itself, Firefox stopped responding if there is any flash video running in the browser or buffering. The only solution was you must decide what you want: firewall updates or flash video. To make Firefox 7 responsive, kill the update process or do a double mouse click on update icon in the system tray, a dialogue will open asking to update the firewall or not, do update it. OK, the update icon is not gone, yet. Again double mouse click on update icon and same process which you did after first time double mouse click on update icon.
It contains all the major features of Firefox 8. The improvement is it shall be able to compute JavaScript contents faster than earlier version. The other thing is support to two finger gestures on touch screens. Well, one other improvement is silent updates in background with out disturbing you. Silent update feature was integrated in Firefox 8 but I forget to tell then and this feature continues in this current Firefox 9.
Once I read that there are over 50 important upgrades which will be implemented over the time during 2012. Once I also read that with Firefox 9 we will be able to have 64-bit version of Firefox but I do not see it anywhere. Does it means we still be using 32-bit Firefox! Looks like. So, if any of you have info about Firefox 64-bit. let me know.
Officially, there is still Firefox 8 but below are download links for Firefox 9.
Firefox 9 Windows:
Firefox 9 Linux:
Firefox 9 Mac OS X: