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Winners of Giveaway: Hard Disk Sentinel Pro Lifetime Licenses


[Update Feb 20, 2018: Hard Disk Sentinel Pro licenses have been emailed to winners. “neme.f” will get only one license. The new winner is “dimahex” who was next in subscribers list]. First of all, thank you very much for taking part in Giveaway: Hard Disk Sentinel Pro Lifetime Licenses. I held the giveaway after a long long time and it was good. I hope to have more giveaways in future. Any giveaway cannot be successful and cannot be encouraging if nobody takes interest. You showed your interest and I loved that. Unfortunately, this Hard Disk Sentinel giveaway had limited number of licenses. 

OK, so the total licenses for Hard Disk Sentinel increased to 22 from 20. Two subscribers, jesu.sj and tintenfleck747, was picked randomly by my. I do not know them at all so no question of favoritism. The 10 licenses out of 20 go to ThePerti email subscribers and commenters of Giveaway: Hard Disk Sentinel Pro Lifetime Licenses, and 10 of 20 go to email subscribers only. If an email was winner in both draws, its one winning was replaced with 11th in the list. I will be sending the giveaway licenses on this weekend. You got any question, as me in the comments section or via contact form. Congratulations.

Here is a combined list of winners.

final list of hard disk sentinel winner blurred

Below are the winners among email subscribers and commenters. Drag the image to tab-bar or right click and open it in new tab to enlarge it.

subscribers commenters randomized list winner Hard Disk Sentinel Giveaway blurred

Below are the winners among email subscribers. Drag the image to tab-bar or right click and open it in new tab to enlarge it

subscribers randomized list winner Hard Disk Sentinel Giveaway blurred


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I congratulate the winners


Thanks for the giveaway. But luck turned away from me.

Imran K

Hello Yury, please do not say the luck is turned away from you. Do you have friend? At least one? If so, you are lucky.


Thank you for your kind words. Good Luck To You!

Imran K

Bro Yury, that is what life has taught me. One true friend is the only thing a person needs. Thanks and good luck to you too.


congrats to the winners!!! 🙂

Daniel Barat

Thank you very much, i really use the software a lot and i consider it to be better then other free software that does the same thing.

Imran K

You are welcome Daniel.

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