
MRG Effitas (Malware Research Group) Flash Test 2010 Overview [Part-I]


MRG Effitas (Malware Research Group) is an independent internet security research organisation which focuses on providing cutting edge efficacy assessment and assurance services, collation, analysis and supply of malware samples to vendors and the latest news concerning new threats and other information in the field of IT security. MRG Effitas has focused on providing ground-breaking testing processes, realistically modelling real world environments in order to generate the most accurate efficacy assessments possible.


I will be using MRG tests results to give you an overview of how well the anti-virus had been performed. I will be doing 2 more articles on this: MRG Effitas (Malware Research Group) Flash Test 2011 Overview [Part-II]. For 2012 results I will then compile again once it reach around june so that it will then have more results to calculate the average.

Some people might ask, why do I use old information of 2010 or even 2011. Shouldn’t I focus more on 2012 results instead? My reason is to let everyone see that how reliable that anti-virus had performed among the year and this is important.

As this will be a long article, I will split it into Part I & Part II.

MRG Flash Test 2010 – Summary (II) will be cover on the next article which includes:

  • Worm Detection Rate
  • Spyware Detection Rate
  • Rogue Anti-Malware Detection Rate
  • Overall Detection

I will cover 6 different categories of the test and 1 overall result:

  1.  Keylogger Detection Rate
  2.  Rootkit Detection Rate
  3.  Trojan Detection Rate
  4.  Worm Detection Rate
  5.  Spyware Detection Rate
  6.  Rogue Anti-Malware Detection Rate
  7.  Overall Detection

For each part of the test, there will be 2 types charts – Bar & Pie
Refer to the Graph Explantion at the bottom to know more.

1)  MRG Flash Test 2010 – Keylogger Detection Rate

Total Number of Keylogger tested: 25


  •  Keylogger Detection Rate (II) – Both Dr.Web Antivirus & ThreatFire scored 0% out of 1 test and PC Tools scored 0% out of 12 tests.
  • Coranti did not take part.

2)  MRG Flash Test 2010 – Rootkit Detection Rate

Total Number of Rootkit tested: 7


  • Rootkit Detection Rate (I)   – SUPERAntispyware scored 0% out of 7 tests. 
  • Rootkit Detection Rate (II) –  Zemana AntiLogger scored 0% out of  1 test while PC Tools scored 0% out of 2 tests.
  • Coranti, ThreatFire & Mamutu did not take part.

3)  MRG Flash Test 2010 – Trojan Detection Rate

Total Number of Trojan tested: 17


  • Trojan Detection Rate (I) – Dr.Web Antivirus & SUPERAntispyware scored 0% out of 17 tests.
  •  Trojan Detection Rate (II) – ThreatFire scored 0% out of 1 test and PC Tools scored 0% out of 13 tests.
  • Coranti did not take part. 

– Graph Explanation –

Bar Chart: Only products that have completed all tests will be listed here.

x-axis – (Horizontal)  : Security Software
y-axis – (Vertical) : The detection rate (in 100%) of the product.
[The higher the better]


Pie Chart: All other products which did not completed all tests will be listed here. (The more the better)

How do I read in Pie Chart? Read From clockwise, from highest (100%) to lowest (44.44%).
And what does SUPERAntispyware (8/18) mean?

SUPERAntispyware is the name of the security product.

8 is the number of tests passed: 
18  is the total number of tests participated.

*Security products that had achieved 0% detection rate will not be listed in Bar Chart & Pie chart.


Avas – Avast
Avir – Avira
BitD – BitDefender
Blue – BluePoint
Cora – Coranti
Defe – DefenseWall
DRWe – Dr.Web Antivirus
Emsi – Emsisoft
Eset – Eset
FSec – F-Secure
GDat – G Data
Hitm – Hitman Pro / Zemana Anti-Malware
Immu – Immunet
Kasp – Kaspersky
Malw – Malwarebytes
Mamu – Mamutu
McAf – McAfee
Micr – Microsoft
Nort – Norton
Pand – Panda
PCTo – PC Tools
PEGu – PE Guard
Prev – Prevx/Webroot
Sunb – Sunbelt
SUPE – SUPERAntispyware
Thre – ThreatFire
Zema – Zemana AntiLogger


– All security software are test on their default settings.
– Webroot belongs to Webroot company.
– Zemana Anti-Malware uses the same engine as Hitman Pro.

– All data/information are compiled by me manually which there might be a slight chance of typos/miscalculations.
– Only data/information are from MRG. The representing/ranking on the test are given by me(Charles) based on the scores I compiled.



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@ Dalmasian Thanks for the valuable feedback and suggestions. Points taken and I will try to summarized & followed it. However, for articles like Anti-Malware or security software, I can’t really say which is best since different people have different definition of best and different Anti-Malware have different features which might not suit them. Regarding… Read more »

samuel wats

Interesting results. Did not know Zemana AntiLogger was so effective. Check for the antilogger 🙂

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