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Chit Chat for Facebook Chat Users


I feel that I am bit different from others. It is almost one decade since I am playing computer but I could not be addicted to few of its features like socializing and chatting. I do not remember that I have ever used any messenger for over 1 hour in one week. It is a long time passed since I have used Yahoo, GTalk or Live messenger.

Now a days, it has become necessary for a blogger to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and majority of bloggers are using such sites. Though, I publish links to my articles on Facebook and Twitter, I never used these services for any other reason, that’s why I am not addicted to them. I am a social person and like gathering but I am not a fan of virtual chat.

But today, I have Chit Chat for Facebook chat users.  Daniel Offer (Chit Chat) informed me about this chatting software.  I may be wrong but it looks like the interface of Chit Chat is inspired by Yahoo messenger. Chit Chat will be easy for people who have used Yahoo messenger because of its interface.

As I do not use Facebook chat, I do not have personal experience about Chit Chat. If any of you have used it or using or will use it, please, share your valuable reviews. I will, surely, update this article if I have any valuable informative comment from you. Meanwhile, Chit Chat as per vendors words:

  • Fun and Free – Convenient and fun way to chat with your Facebook contacts without the hassle of surfing Facebook
  • Free Your Web-Browser – No need to keep your web browser logged into Facebook
  • Easy To Use – Download, install and then login with your Facebook username and password – easy!
  • Popular? – Swift and fast tabbed chat Interface making it easy to talk with many Facebook friends at once
  • Instant Message Notification – Lets you know when you receive an instant message.

To read more about Chit Chat and to download, please, head to the following web page:



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