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Verify .rar Archived Movie Before Downloading All Parts


In P2P network sharing or sharing by other means, .rar compression has become standard. Commonly known oldest format is .zip for compression but because of it instability and corruption of zipped file, the most widely used compressing format is rar. You use Torrents, RapidShare, MegaShare, eDonkey, Orange or any other network to download movies, you find more than 93% movies in rar compressed format. Here the problem starts.

You have to download all rar compressed parts of the movie to know that it is the right movie or just a fake file with the name of the desired movie. If the movie is in .rar archive and split into parts, it is not possible to run any part separately. You have to download all parts. You have uncompressed all parts by Wizard. Now you are able to run that movie and watch. Some time fake movies uploaded in rar compression. When you decompressed those movies, you are forced to by a password to play the movies or to download fake codecs (spyware) to play movie.

Dziobas Rar Player has solved your problem. Remember! It is free of cost. You will download just one part from all .rar parts. No need to decompressed it. Just drag and drop that part into main window of Dziobas Rar Player. It will play it. OR, you can access the downloaded part from File menu and play it. This is very light player required about 12MB of hard disk space. It does not take more than 4MB when playing movie.

It can play AVI, MPGE, RMVB, OGG, MP3, RAR, MKV, MKA, DivX, XviD and many other formats. You can download subtitles through main menu from opensubtitles.org. This program works under GPL. Download Dziobas Rar Player 0.009.39 from its own server. You can download TORRENT, too. Access main page HERE. Download previous version HERE. A simple FAQ is also available to know how to play .rar file.


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