Other Topics Security

Giveaway: 15x Licenses Norton Antivirus 2013 [Upgrade to 2014]

It is long time since we have done any giveaway and specially of any security software. We always try to do giveaway of valuable security software. We get lots of offers for other software giveaway but we know what you want, so those offers are normally skipped for better one. If you have tired of using Norton Antivirus 2013 six months trial license, we have a giveaway of 15x Licenses Norton Antivirus 2013 from our long time reader Waleed. He has done it once before offering SUPERAntiSpyware giveaway for ComputeLogy.com reader.…


Rising Releases Free Firewall 2012 While We Already Got Security Software For 2013

The end of January is almost on head and within 6 months will be bombarded with security software for 2014. This is very common practice which security software vendors have adopted. They want to release their products before others and we get all such securities half a year before the actual year. But with Rising, it seems reverse. When we are getting ready for securities for 2014, Rising is releasing its security software for 2012. They have also released Rising Antivirus 2012 v16 Free which is a beta release. It…


Free AVG Antivirus Pro For Android [version 3]

Since I have Android Phablet Galaxy Note II, there are many tasks which are now easy to be done like writing reports, web surfing, chating/messaging, studying, emails and many more. I do not have perfect 20/20 eyesight. I found my decision to buy Galaxy Note II was a good decision. Because of most of features which a latest smartphone can have, it also has biggest display among smartphones, easy for me to read and write. With tons of advanced features, Android also has a few drawbacks like it can be…
