
Samsung Galaxy S III Has Android™ 4.0 ICS, 1.4GHz Quad-Core CPU, 4.8″ Display, 4G LTE, 8MP Camera Unveiled

Samsung added an new smart phone to its super speed, fashioned and highly appreciated Galaxy S family. Today, Samsung unveiled Galaxy S III which has 1.4GHz quad-core CPU, 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED, 8 megapixels camera,1.9 megapixels front face camera, 1GB RAM, 4G LTE and of course the latest Android™ 4.0 named Ice Cream Sandwich. Galaxy S III will be available at the end of May, 2012 for sale. I am planning to get one and If I do, it will be my first Android hand set. As this new Galaxy S III…


Production Cost Of New iPad Is Higher Than iPad 2

They are celebrating the successful launch of new iPad. I have seen people’s faces full of enjoy and pleasure after buying new iPad. I have talked many of them and found some of them are new to iPad. Many of them just wanted to buy to keep their identical status among circles. It looks like if people will remain crazy like the same as they are already for Apple’s things, Apple belief may become religion like File Sharing [Kopimisim] in Sweden. Looking at the demand of new iPad, Apple may…


Duel: The new iPad, Galaxy Tab 10.1 & Transformer Prime TF201 [Update]

[UPDATE] I have updated some info which seemed incomplete. If you find some info missing, let me know.[/UPDATE] I know duel is always between two persons or parties. But when we talk about tablets world, whether we like it or not, we always see Apple on one side and rest of the world on other side. This is one to many. If I remember a dialogue from an old seen western style movie where hero (do not remember his name, too), who was alone facing three gun fighters, said to…


First Android 4 IceCream Sandwich Tablet Costs $100 – 1GHz Processor, Dual Camera, 1080p Video, Wifi/3G, 7inch Screen

Earlier tablets running Windows were not so popular because of limited features, specs and price. At that time, tablets were only designed for business purposes and no aim to get home customers. Then Apple’s tablet iPad changed the game. Tablet design changed dramatically simple with increase of features considering home users as main players. This let Apple capture tablet. What the game will be if there is only one player. Android jumped in and scenario started changing. Now there are two players chasing each other. Apple iOS based tablets are…
