Download Bitdefender Total Security 2020 Free License Key for 6 Months [Android, Windows, iOS, macOS]

There was a time when 90 days of free computer security was considered enough as a giveaway. This habit is still present but Bitdefender, if I remember, changed it to half year giveaway. So now we can have topnotch security solution for half a year for free. Yes! you can download Bitdefender Total Security 2020 free for 6 months. You can use it to secure up to 5 devices running Android, Windows, macOS, iOS. There is no support for iPadOS.
Bitdefender Total Security 2020 is the complete security package offered by Bitdefender. It got so many Anti-thingy that I cannot write all. But for the records just a few like Antivirus, Antispyware, Antimalware, Antiransomware, Antispam, Antitheft, etc, etc. There is PC maintenance mode, as well as privacy protection features also available in Bitdefender Total Security 2020. You will also get Parental Control in it.
If we read the Bitdefender Total Security 2020 promo conditions, this promo is valid only for USA and Canada, but this is not true. You can access it from anywhere in the world and the promo will work. You need to activate it within 45 days after the successful registration.
Open the following webpage, fill your email, check CAPTCHA and press button Get It Now.
You will get an email instantly from Bitdefender. Click on the Install Bitdefender button in the email.
You will be taken to login into Bitdefender portal. If you do not have an account there, you can create a free one. After successful processing, you will see your subscription for Bitdefender Total Security 2020. Download it from your account, install it. You do not need any license key for it because it is already pre-registered with your email.
Enjoy your Bitdefender Total Security 2020 Free License Key for 6 Months.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
You are welcome Kostas.