
Get Lifetime Free Rising AntiVirus Since 2011 Announced By Beijing Rising Information Technology Co.



[Free Lifetime Rising Internet Security][Free Lifetime Rising Firewall]

It is really a big news that a top security vendor in China, Beijing Rising Information Technology Co. has offered his valuable Rising Antivirus free for personal use. This is lifetime offer. This means, as long as the software is available, it will be offered free of cost.

As we already know that the most dangerous viruses are alwasy created in East, before reacing to West, they have already damaged thousands of computers means before vacination. You may also know that the first PC virus was created in Pakistan. Then why not the security should also be taken from East. BTW, Rising AntiVirus is being used by millions of users in China.

Though, Rising has not updated the info on its English website but from Chinese website, it can be found as freeware. I have waited two weeks to post this news because I needed official confirmation from them. I go it and now the news is for you. Well, before proceeding, let’s have a look at its features.

Zero-Day Computer Security Protection with Rising Cloud Security
Rising Cloud Security 3.0, with high intelligence performance based on strong technique support from Rising Cloud Security Data Center which is the largest one in Asia and, the most efficient Rising Antivirus Virtual Machine Technique, as well as Rising Virtual Engine Technique, to perform the most excellent platform focusing on intelligent data collection, automatic data analysis, and providing professional security solution against Internet threats, behaviors of malicious attack from hackers, habits of computer users setting computer security defense, and traditional computer security defense.
Computer Security Protection
Based on triple layers security defense structure of Rising Cloud Security 3.0 and, integrated traditional monitor and intelligent active defense functions, Rising Antivirus 2011 instantly defenses personal computer security.
Browser Protection
Taking Rising System Kernel Reinforce into web browser program and, intercept unknown Trojan, Backdoor, Worm and other malicious viruses at real-time.
Office Software Protection
Automatically intercept unknown Trojan, Backdoor, Worm and other malicious viruses program and, prevent malicious attacks which exploit office software unknown vulnerability away while launching office software.
System Kernel Reinforcement
Providing professional computer users two optional customizable methods as Templates and Custom, to detect, monitor, and intercept all malicious behaviors from viruses program and, reinforce Windows system kernel.
System Requirements
Windows OS: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and Windows 7/Server 2008
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003
CPU: 500 MHz and above
Memory: 256MB system memory and above, up to 4GB
Graphics Card: Standard VGA, 24 true colors
Others: CD-ROM and mouse     Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7/Server 2008
CPU: 1.0 GHz and above, 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
Memory: 512 MB system memory and above, up to 4GB
Graphics card: Standard VGA, 24 true colors
Others: CD-ROM and mouse
Languages: Traditional Chinese, English.
More Info about Rising AntiVirus can be read HERE.

As I have told you, if you go to international website of Rising AntiVirus, you can not get it free. You will need to go to Chinese website but do nto worry, you will get it in English.

Direct Download link:

Original info page can be found here:


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I doubt if very many savvy computer users will bite on this offer. First, we’ve never heard of them; second, sounds good but where’s the all the proof that this software can do what it claims to be able to do and FREE at that? I’ll stick with my Vipre 4 Premium and ZoneAlarm firewall… Read more »


I have Malwarebytes, Emsisoft and SuperAntispyware and SpyBot–Search and Destroy, although I really don’t need them with Shadow Defender on guard, but I occasionally run scans with them. I’ve read some interesting reviews of the Rising products, and although not well known here, still not very good reviews regardless of what is stated otherwise. Do… Read more »


I have been a Computer Tech since 1994 , I was a huge Norton Antivirus fan from 1994 to about 2004. Then they became sloppy and made their software so heavy and useless … by slowing down your system to a frustrating halt … their overall Business and support group became so selfish and big headed …. anyhow …… Read more »


Thanks Paquetsky.

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