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Winners of Giveaway – 11 : 50 Licenses of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx and 50% DISCOUNT [ReUpdated]


Update-2: If you could not win but still wants WinX DVD Ripper Platinum, YOU CAN HAVE 50% DISCOUNT. Please note that this is an honest offer and I will not have any benefit. SO, DO NOT MISS 50% DISCOUNT IF YOU HAVE MISSED GIVEAWAY-11. Here you go:


Update-1: WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx licenses have been eMailed to winners. If you are winner and have not received your license, please comment or contact to let me know.

[Image Deleted]
Friends, this is the time to announce the winners of Gvieaway – 11 : 50 Licenses of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx. But before announcing winners, few others words about somethin’ somethin’.
I am very thankful to Sophia (Digiarty Software, Inc. team member) who offered 50 Licenses of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx to COMPUTELOGY readers. Because of this offer, I was able to held this Giveaway 11. Thanks to Sophia and Digiarty Software, Inc for such a great Giveaway.
You participated or not, you can find more info on Win X DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx on the following web address:
In this article, I am introducing a new term C-Loggers (COMPUTELOGY Readers). In future articles, I will use C-Loggers.
The responsive comments to Gvieaway – 11 : 50 Licenses of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx are far less than traffic to COMPUTELOGY along with unexpectedly huge amount of spam. I had to manage over 200 spam comments. I knew this it would happened that’s why I warned in my previous article to not to spam, you will be caught.
More responsive comments will encourage me to have more Giveaways for C-Loggers. This time, I changed participation rules just to make the participation bit easier. Even though, I did not have much comments, I will follow these new rules and soon you will find that nowhere  Giveaway contest has such easy participation rules. What you have to do? Just a comment and nothing else. Neither you were asked to subscribe nor to Tweet or post on Facebook. The only thing is to comment to Giveaway. Of course, If you will not comment, I can never know your interest. Go ahead and check Giveaways on some other friends blogs, you will never find any Giveaway which is not asking you to comment and Tweet/facebook,
There could be some possible reasons for less usage of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum among C-Logger.
1: Not may C-Loggers  buy protected discs.
2: code protected discs along with other discs are available in C-Loggers local area and he/she is using not-protected copies of discs
3: C-Loggers may use alternative freebies. But friends, there are always differences between commercial software and freeware.
I have a surprise for Gvieaway – 11 : 50 Licenses of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx participants. I will describe it soon.
Winners are
There were 62 participants for 50 licenses WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx. It was already decided that you will receive your licenses directly from Digiarty Software, Inc. But now, at the moment, the rule is changed. I have to send licenses to winners by myself. This will be a small headache. You will receive your license from COMPUTELOGY.
It will take almost 7 days to eMail licenses to winners and I have to do all of this by myself. So, please, have patience.
I was allowed to distribute 50 Licenses but for the sake of C-Loggers, I am send licenses to all 62 participants. I am sorry to Sophia and Digiarty Software, Inc. that I am sending licenses to 62 instead of 50 as promised.
C-Loggers, please, Give me one week to dispatch all licenses.
Enjoy it:


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thanks computo … i got my license.. thanks and keep rocking.. 🙂


Hi Perti!
Thank you for the license, it came right on time. 🙂
Best regards.


You are welcome. 🙂


I need your eMail.


You are welcome.


Please, check your eMail.


Hey I did receive my license – Cheers! My girlfriend wanted one too and I told her about the giveaway/competition. I am not sure that she entered though! Any chance of getting a spare license for her? if this is possible please let me know – you can use my e-mail to send the license… Read more »


I am happy that you are happy. Now, I can not send any license because Gvieaway – 11 : 50 Licenses of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum V5.xx is over. You may ask Sophia (Digitary Software) explaining the situation. She may help you. I am unable to deliver any license.


Hi, I had/still have problems with your comment system.
It appears that i cannot use IE or firefox. Then I don't see any comments or can post any.
Now I am using Opera portable edition, when I visit your site.
Perti helped me figured it out, so thanks Perti.

Best Regards


Will you tell me which Firefox plugins you are using? I may help you.


Hi Perti 🙂
Now my firefox works with Disqus.
It turns out to be 2 addons. Noscript and Ghostery. After enable Disqus in both addons, it works.


That's why I asked you about Firefox add-ons. I am glad that your FF is working now.


Hi, I am AstroSkpper. I have checked my Email and still haven't received my license. Thanks in advance.

Imran K

Hi Astro,
Please, check your e-mail.


Hello! I am AstroSkipper and I have participated in your giveaway, but still not received my license. Please give me a reply. Thanks in advance.

Imran K

Please, check your e-mail.


Hi Perti, I have checked my Email and have got the license. Thank you very much.

Imran K

My pleasure.

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