is Functional Now : We Are Moving
Hi Friends, Finally, the time has come we have waited for 4 months. Yea, we are moving to It is a great pleasure and I am very excited. I do not know what should I write about my excitement.
We; James and Perti (me), will continue writing on First of all there are few things for you to do:
1: All e-mail subscribers should subscribe to e-Mail subscription. The reason is this is the last article which you will receive through e-Mail subscription. All new articles will be published on our new domain If you could not, do not worry, I will update e-mail feeds address very soon. So, you will be able to get e-Mail news letter without any problem.
2: All RSS feed fetchers should update your feeds subscription to I can not do it like I can do for e-Mail subscribers.You have to do it by yourself. So do not forget to update your RSS feeds subscription.
3: Explore and find if you face any problem during surfing it. I have tried to follow Usability and Accessibility rules to place the contents on it but it is not 100% OK. Let me know if you have any problem or if you want something in better way.
4: You can help me to design logo. I do not have any particular design in my mind. If you will do it, I will be thankful.
You friends know about James: an intelligent, hardworking and problem solver boy who is our jewel. He has written a lot of articles for C-Loggers. His articles are always very interesting and full of knowledge. You will never get tired reading his article. He will continue writing on but you should read his blog because sometime you will find interesting info which is rare on Internet. Visit him here Digital Plexus.
Samuel helped me a lot to understand WordPress working. Let me say, it could be much difficult to understand without his guidance. I am very thankful to him for his advices and his time which he spent to solve out my problems regarding WordPress. I am sure, in future, he will be disturbed many times ;-). He tries very hard to present quality contents on his blog. I advise you to visit him to find something new. His blog is Tech I Share. Thanks Samuel.
I am sure many of you already know about Ramakanth: a rare kind of blogger who has good attitude towards facts and plays fair game. He deserve my special Thanks for his advice even though he is a busy man. You can visit him on Techno360.
My thanks to bloggers who are in my Blog Friend list. Thank you. I request them to update my blog link. I will do as soon as possible.
And finally my heart flies to all C-Loggers. It was impossible to have such success without your appreciation. Your comment always encouraged me and motivate me to write. I always enjoy comments which have some sort of info. There are C-Logger friends who kept me busy through Contact Form with advices and promos. I was unable to publish all the promos told by readers. Thank you all for your valuable participation in COMPUTELOGY‘s growth.
Now, let’s move to
i deleted this bookmark now, there's no turning back.
i'll see you on the new domain, g'luck
the best, B
King Size Congrats !!!!
And best of luck for all future endeavor !!
Great,.. congratulations on this milestone.. keep it up.!
Congrats. God bless.