
Learn Spanish with Spanish for Beginners in 7 Days [100% Discount]

<img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-316470″ src=”” alt=”Spanish for Beginners – Learn Spanish in 7 Days Book Banner” width=”820″ height=”877″ /> Spanish for Beginners is a Kindle edition ebook which is free for the time being. If you have a Kindle device or Kindle app installed on your device, you can access Spanish for Beginners easily. The paperback edition costs over £12. You are waiting for what? Pace down to the end of the post and click on the download button for Spanish for Beginners while it is free. The price can…


[100% Discount] eBook Python GUI Programming Cookbook – Second Edition

<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-316137″ src=”” alt=”Python GUI Programming Cookbook Cover Title Page” width=”829″ height=”833″ /></a> Python is a multi-domain, interpreted programming language. It is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It is often used as a scripting language because of its forgiving syntax and compatibility with a wide variety of different eco-systems. Python GUI Programming Cookbook follows a task-based approach to help you create beautiful and very effective GUIs with the least amount of code necessary. eBook Python GUI Programming Cookbook will guide you through the very basics…

Coding for Kids in Scratch 3 eBook Front Title Page

Kindle eBook ‘Coding for Kids in Scratch 3’ Free Download @Amazon

Almost a year ago I was working on a project to design an app for kids. The purpose of the project to teach coding via illustrations, images, and notations. The team could not get finance but there I encountered Scratch. I told my 6 years old niece about it and she liked it. But about this book Coding for Kids in Scratch 3, I know nothing. The explanation given below is by the author of the book. Your kid can become a coding super-genius and create incredible projects with Coding for Kids in…

Book Front End Performance Cover Title Page

Book “Front End Performance” [PDF] Free Download Till December 20

The Book “Front End Performance” is not an entry level book. It demands the knowledge of HTML and CSS. It also requires the familiarity of JavaScript. But this does not mean you cannot get Book “Front End Performance ” [PDF] Free Download Till December 20, 2018. Performance simply matters. Technology may allow us to “go bigger”, but maybe not necessarily be better when it comes to performance. Servers and Internet connections are getting more sophisticated, and as a result, we feel the need to keep filling them. However, this isn’t the time…

Network Forensics eBook Cover Title Page

Network Forensics eBook Free Till Dec 18 [Save $32]

Network Forensics provides a uniquely practical guide for IT and law enforcement professionals seeking a deeper understanding of cybersecurity. This book is hands-on all the way—by dissecting packets, you gain fundamental knowledge that only comes from experience. Real packet captures and log files demonstrate network traffic investigation, and the learn-by-doing approach relates the essential skills that traditional forensics investigators may not have. From network packet analysis to host artifacts to log analysis and beyond, this book emphasizes the critical techniques that bring evidence to light. [Read also: All Autodesk Software…

Mastering Java 9 Book Cover Title Page

Master Java Programming with Mastering Java 9 eBook FREE

Java 9 and its new features add to the richness of the language, one of the languages most used by developers to build robust software applications. Java 9 comes with a special emphasis on modularity with its integration with Jigsaw. Mastering Java 9 eBook would be your one-stop guide to mastering the language. You’ll be provided with an overview and explanation of the new features introduced in Java 9 and the importance of the new APIs and enhancements. Some of the new features of Java 9 are ground-breaking and if…


FREE eBook Mastering Swift 4 (4th Edition) Right Now

Swift is the definitive language for Apple development today. It’s a vital part of any iOS and macOS developer’s skillset, helping them to build the most impressive and popular apps on the App Store—the sort of apps that are essential to iPhone and iPad users every day. With version 4.0, the Swift team has added new features to improve the development experience, making it easier to get the results you want and customers expect. Inside, you’ll find the key features of Swift 4.0 and quickly learn how to use the…

Jump Start Responsive Web Design Book cover title page

FREE “Jump Start Responsive Web Design” eBook PDF Download (Save $29)

Right now you can get Jump Start Responsive Web Design eBook for FREE in PDF format. But before talking about the book you should hurry to download it because the offer will expire on October 31, 2018 as it is mentioned on the offer page. The download link is given at the end of this post. This book got 4.5 ratings on Amazon and same 4.5 ratings on SitePoint. This is the 2nd edition which was published in April, 2017. The pixel-perfect web is dead. The days of positioning elements on…


Master CSS with CSS Master eBook FREE [Save $30]

  This free CSS Master ebook is for intermediate-level CSS developers, as it assumes a fair amount of experience with HTML and CSS. So, there is no time spent covering the basics of CSS syntax. Coverage of CSS concepts such as the box model and positioning are included to illuminate tricky concepts for the experienced developer. They’re not meant as an introduction for beginners. Experience with JavaScript/DOM Scripting is helpful, but not necessary. CSS Master is tailor-made for the web designer who’s really serious about taking their skills to the next level.…


FREE eBook: The Principles of Beautiful Web Design [3rd Edition – was $30]

  This free ebook: The Principles of Beautiful Web Design is a methodical approach to presenting traditional graphic design theory as it applies to today’s website development industry. It presents what the author knows about designing for the Web in a way that anyone can understand and apply. Why? Because the basics of website design should be common knowledge. We all live in and work on an internet that has been blindly covering up ugly with more ugly since its inception. It’s time to break that chain and make bold moves…
