
The Ultimate Spanish Phrase Book & Spanish Short Stories [100% Discount]


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Spanish is the 2nd most widely spoken language in the world. Over 400 million people speak Spanish as their native language, including those who were forced to learn it a few centuries ago destroying and eliminating their own native languages like happened in Latin America. So, if you are planning to learn Spanish to be among 430 million Spanish speaking people, you better start pacing now. Start from these two books: The Ultimate Spanish Phrase Book, and Spanish Short Stories. Both books are being offered free for Kindle readers right now.

Note: If the Amazon button telling that nothing was found, do click on the Amazon icon. It will take you to the offer webpage. Also, note that all the freebies mentioned here are free at the time of writing this article. There may be a price change.

The Ultimate Spanish Phrase Book

You can get an organized collection of all the phrases you need to make your trip to Spain or any other Spanish speaking country an amazing experience.

This book includes phrases for:

  • Starting out; Such as Meetings & Greetings
  • Numbers and Colors
  • Transport
  • Accommodations
  • Money
  • Restaurants and Bars
  • Shopping
  • Driving
  • Dealing with Authorities
  • And Much, Much More!

Spanish Short Stories

In this book, you will encounter rich and new but not too complex vocabulary, which is translated at the end of the chapter, avoiding the hassle of having to stop the reading rhythm to look up every word in the dictionary. Every paragraph is translated, as well as the summary of the story, thus providing a clearer comprehension of each sentence, while trying to prevent the temptation that the reader might have, if discouraged, of giving up and reading the whole story in English.



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