
Jump Start MYSQL – eBook $30 Value FREE For Limited Time


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MySQL is the extremely popular open source relational database management system that powers many of the applications on the Web. Discover why MySQL’s speed, ease of use, and flexibility make it the database of choice for so many developers.

From “big data” data sets in an enterprise data center to hand-scribbled shopping lists, data is everywhere. Corporations collect as much of it as they can which they then analyze to formulate new business strategies. Scientists study data looking for answers that can save lives, improve our environment, and explain our place in the universe. Even the average person maintains a fair amount, from ledgers detailing one’s spending habits to phone numbers in a cellphone’s address book. Storing and organizing all this data has become so easy now that we often take for granted many of the database concepts and algorithms that make that possible.

This book is an introduction to the basic concepts of working with a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), specifically the popular open-source RDBMS MySQL. Like other installments in Site Point’s Jump Start series, it aims to give you a head start in your understanding of the chosen technology. You’ll learn the basics quickly, in a friendly, (hopefully) pain-free way, and have a solid foundation to continue your learning.

What separates this title from others in the SitePoint lineup is that it discusses a technology widely used outside of just the world of web development. That’s not to say MySQL isn’t popular with developers creating web-based applications, quite the contrary. But databases are used in so many other scenarios as well and so we’ve tried to capture this the selection of topics.

Important: All the freebies mentioned here are free at the time of publishing this article. It may, you see some price tag instead of “Free” when visiting the store which means the product is no longer available as “Free”. Not being free and you buy or download it, you may be charged with the price of the product. Please, also be aware that some apps may have in-app-purchases options.

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