eBook The Art & Science of JavaScript (was $29 FREE For a Limited Time)
The The Art & Science of JavaScript ebook is for intermediate JavaScript developers who want to take their JavaScript skills to the next level without sacrificing web accessibility or best practice.
If you’ve never written a line of JavaScript before, this probably isn’t the right book for you—some of the logic in the later chapters can get a little hairy. If you have only a small amount of experience with JavaScript, but are comfortable enough programming in another language such as PHP or Java, you’ll be just fine.
SitePoint will hold your hand along the way, and all of the code is available for you to download and experiment with on your own. And if you’re an experienced JavaScript developer, they would be very, very surprised if you didn’t learn a thing or two. In fact, if you only learn a thing or two, you should contact them at SitePoint—they may have a book project for you to tackle!
We’ve assembled seven of the greatest minds in modern JavaScript to teach you the most inspirational techniques you’ll ever use. From creating impressive mashups and stunning, dynamic graphics, to more subtle user-experience enhancements, you’re about to be amazed by the true potential of this powerful language.