[Updated] Get Free Steganos Safe 2012 v13
[UPDATE-1] There are new promo links. [/UPDATE-1] Steganos got name in producing high quality privacy protection software like Steganos Safe, Privacy Suite, Password Manager, TraceDestructor and Internet Anonym VPN for international users. And we have never missed a single chance to share promos from Steganos.
Steganos Safe is an easy way to convert your computer into a virtual safe. In this virtual safe, you can store you all types of data like documents, videos, audios, photos, anything you want but should be in digital form inside your computer. Steganos Safe uses the latest encryption technology Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is also being used by US Govt. officially and it has been adopted worldwide as standard. This means, using Steganos Safe will give you same data encryption security which is being used by US Govt.
Other than 256bit AES encryption, Steganos Safe 13 has some other great features. You can create one data vault of 1 Terabyte. Now calculate how many .avi movies (700MB each) or MP3 audios can be put in the vault. Steganos Safe 12 has pic-pass feature. This is helpful because you do not need to remember long difficult and tricky passwords for your vaults. Pic-Pass enables you to set a sequence of photos as password and you only need to recognize them when need to open a vault. And it got a virtual keyboard functioning like an AntiKeylogger.
Open the following webpage into your browser and just fill a short form only asking your email address. Finally press button Abschicken.
Within no time, you will get email from Steganos containing license and download link of Steganos Safe 2012. Seriennummer means Serial Number.
Use the license to register your free copy of Steganos Safe 13. There are three interface languages: English, German and French. Direct download link:
[Previous publish date is Mar 4, 2013.]
hi Brother, your link : http://wwwsteganos.com/chip/safe2012 is not working.
Thanks. I missed a dot after www. It is working now.