
Use Secunia Personal Software Inspector or Online Software Inspector to Find and Fix Vulnerabilities in Installed Applications


Every computer has some third party software installed. My personal computer has over 100 different kinds of software and at least quarter of them being used every day. A study unveiled that one computer might have installed over 60 different kinds of software. With the installation of every software, computer security breach threat increases. We know we have AntiViruses, Firewalls, AntiSpywares to protect our computers but is it not the duty of software producer/vendor to not to leave such security compromising holes in their software.

Usually, security breach happens in those software which are outdated. Such software are easy target of hackers and intruders. To address such vulnerabilities we have two fixers of same kind provided by Secunia ApS. Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) installs into the computer and Secunia Online Software Inspector, as name shows, just works when you are online and does not need to be installed. Keep in mind, you need Internet connection in both cases.

Recently, Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) released v2. Secunia Personal Software Inspector is being used by over 3 million peoples. You should know that this is not an alternative to your normal security software but just a warning system which also let you get the updates. I recommend this software. As officially said:

A free security tool designed to detectvulnerable andout-dated programs and plug-ins which expose your PC to attacks. Attacks exploiting vulnerable programs and plug-ins are rarely blocked by traditional anti-virus and are therefore increasingly “popular” among criminals. The only solution to block these kind of attacks is to apply security updates, commonly referred to as patches. Patches are offered free-of-charge by most software vendors, however, finding all these patches is a tedious and time consuming task. Secunia PSI automates this and alerts you when your programs and plug-ins require updating to stay secure.

Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI)

The Secunia PSI is an invaluable tool for you to use when assessing the security patch state of software installed on your system. It constantly monitors your system for insecure software installations, notifies you when an insecure application is installed, and even provides you with detailed instructions for updating the application when available.

It is NOT the purpose of the Secunia PSI to detect whether your system has already been compromised or if local changes, settings, or missing requirements could cause the Secunia PSI to report incorrect results. The Secunia PSI relies on the meta-data of executables and library files. The Secunia PSI does NOT conduct an integrity check of the individual files, rather, it checks whether a specific program is vulnerable according to the reported version numbers and not whether the files have been compromised or replaced by other users or programs.

The Secunia PSI is not a replacement for other security measures such as anti-virus or personal firewalls, the Secunia PSI is a great supplement to other security measures such as anti-virus and personal firewalls as it helps preventing exploitation of often overlooked exposures.
Additionally, it is important to understand that the process of identifying insecure software installations on any system involves many different factors and, in rare cases, may result in incorrect detections.

Secunia Online Software Inspector (OSI)

The Secunia Online Software Inspector, or short OSI, is a fast way to scan your PC for the most common programs and vulnerabilities, thus checking if your PC has a minimum security baseline against known patched vulnerabilities.
Use the Secunia OSI to get a feel for the Secunia Software Inspector technology, then upgrade to the Secunia PSI or CSI, which covers practically all programs on your PC, whereas the OSI checks less than 100 programs.

Secunia Personal Software Inspector can be found here:

Secunia Online Software Inspector can be found here:


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Thanks for this info sir.
I am already using this freeware product and i am happy with it.
It gives my pc an additional security layer.

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