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Giveaway 5 Licenses of Magic Zoom Plus (Professional) + £10 Discount On Any Product Purchased From Magic Toolbox [UpDate: Winners Announced]


[Image Deleted]UpDate 3: Winners should check their eMail accounts. They have eMail from Magic Toolbox Team.

UpDate 2: Winners are announced. Please, read at the end of article.
UpDate 1: Please read update in condition 2 which is no more valid. Just follow condition 1 and 3.

Hi Friends, one more Giveaway for COMPUTELOGY readers…

I know, there are many readers who owns websites and are COMPUTELOGY subscribers. This time, the Giveaway is for website owners. Do you own a website and wanted to have some valuable astonishing looking and fancy dressing to your website, this is the best chance you can participate and may win a license of Magic Zoom Plus which normally costs $63 for a single license.
Not just license, you can get £10 discount on any product, they are offering. If you buy 7 different products, which they are offering, you will get total £70 discount and for one product £10 discount.  Discount coupon is COMPUTELOGY. If you want to win a commercial license of Magic Zoom Plus and/or want £10 discount (Discount period is 48 hours), continue reading…

I forget to tell that this discount is on Google Checkout.

Before participating, you must know that non-commercial license of all products offered by Magic Toolbox are available free of cost. You only have to contact the team behind Magic Toolbox through contact form available on www.magictoolbox.com. Tell them about your non-commercial website and request a free license of any product they are offering.
But if you do not fall into non-commercial website owner group, you can participate in this Giveaway – 10 : 5 Licenses of Magic Zoom Plus (Professional Use) + £10 Discount On Any Product Purchased From Magic Toolbox. Jake is very kind to offer this Exclusive Giveaway+Discount to COMPUTELOGY readers.
There is no condition to get £10 discount. The discount will start at 1800GMT on March 29, 2010 and will continue for 48 hours. Discount period will end on 1800GMT on March 31, 2010. Keep in mind, there were not many occasions of Giveaway and Discount from Magic Toolbox. Do not miss this chance.
In short, Magic Zoom Plus enlarges the images embedded into a webpage. When a visitor hover the mouse over any image which is tagged by Magic Zoom Plus code, a certain area of the image, where mouse arrow is hovering, will be enlarged. The pixels will not break at all. Moreover, if visitor click on the image, the image will be enlarged. You can define a group of images and visitors can navigate among these Magic Zoom Plus encoded images by clicking on the navigating buttons shown on image. It will save visitors precious time. Visitors will have more info in less time. A photo : 1000 words.
[Image Deleted]

Magic Zoom Plus can be used on any website. There is no problem. But there some specially created plugins for specific platforms like WordPress, Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento, CRE Loaded, etc and many more…

You can read more about different products offered by Magic Toolbox on www.magictoolbox.com
The conditions are not very hard. Read these conditions carefully, make your mind to participate and then participate.
Before, reading conditions, you must know that the licenses will be eMailed you directly from Magic Toolbox. They may sent you news letters and/or promotions occasionally. But they will not spam you. Providing your eMail to Magic Toolbox will give you a great benefit: You will get all updates during the first three months which are not offered in any case. So, provide your official eMail which you use for your site contacts.
Simple three conditions:

1: YOU SHOULD OWN A WEBSITE. Comment on this Giveaway article with your website link. Your website should not contain any unethical contents like sex, warez, illegal stuff, etc.

2: You do not need to be COMPUTELOGY subscriber. YOU SHOULD BE COMPUTELOGY EMAIL SUBSCRIBER (If you are not): If you are not email subscriber to COMPUTELOGY, you should do it now. Simply enter your email in the box shown at the end of this article (or in right panel at top you will find an icon “Daily Email”. Click on it to open email subscription box to enter your email) and press button “Subscribe by E-Mail”. A new window will open, enter Captcha code there and confirm it. After that, check your email and you will see a confirmation email for my blog, confirm it. You can not be a subscriber unless your confirm the eMail which you receive.


3: YOU SHOULD COMMENT HERE TO PROVE THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN Giveaway – 10 : 5 Licenses of Magic Zoom Plus (Professional Use): Yes! You have to comment to this article with first part of your email e.g. your email is ABCDEF@UVWXYZ.COM. Do not write “@UVWXYZ.COM” in comment. As you have to write your email when submitting comment, it should be the same which is used for email subscription. Do not worry, your email will not be published at all (You eMail will be shared with Magic Toolbox. They will send you your license directly and you will also be eligible to get all updates during the first 3 months). YOUR COMMENT WILL CONFIRM IT THAT YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN Giveaway – 10 : 5 Licenses of Magic Zoom Plus (Professional Use). You can write one comment. More than one comment will not increase your chance of winning.

THE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON APRIL 04, 2010 AT 1800GMT. At This Page. There will not be any new thread for winners. Find here.
Footnote: There will be no more condition other than these three conditions. If you have any question regarding these conditions, may contact me.


There were just five participants in for five licenses. Thank you. I will send your eMails to Magic Toolbox and they will contact you and will deliver you your license files.


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