Get Free Paragon Partition Manager 11 Personal, Ocster Backup Business 6 n’ Magic Video Converter
Update: There is update in Paragon Partition Manager 11 Personal License acquiring process. Thanks to kimlanvn for updates.
It is one week passed since I wrote any article. I was out of country to meet some friends. I came back just a few hours ago. I thought to share the latest Adventskalender promos and this article has three promos: Paragon Partition Manager 11 Personal, Ocster Backup Business 6 n Magic Video Converter. I am tired and sleepy so the article will not be very lengthy.
Paragon Partition Manager 11 Personal
We are fan of Paragon Partition Manager since many years. It does what they say.
Open the following web page into your browser, click on blue button Zum Download.
You will be directed to a new page where you must click on Red button or the link just beside it You will be directed to a new page and then to promo page which is give below.
Update: kimlanvn has update for us.
Promocode: Chip-ParagonFP2010
Promo link:
The promo code is on that page but for you here again: Chip-ParagonPP11
You must have your account at If you remember, some time ago, we got O&O SafeErase 4. All the instructions provided there are same which we need here, so, follow those instructions. You can find that article here:
Ocster Backup Business 6
PCWelt is giving away Ocster Backup Business 6 for the next 22 hours. Thank you catman. You can find it here:
Direct download link is:
Magic Video Converter
This is Loadblog offer here:
Let me know if you have any problem for registration or installation. I may able to help you.
Hi Perti ! 😀
code: Chip-ParagonFP2010
But, this site down now.
Thanks kimlanvn. The article is updated.
Is there a english installer? 😛