Tabbed Documents in Office 2007 Word, Excel and PowerPoint with OfficeTab v1.22 b090913_21:50
1: Create tabbed documents
2: Place tab at upper, lower, left or right side of the document
3: Option to not to show tab bar when just one document is opened
4: Open a specific tab into new document window with right click menu
5: 11 different style for attractive appearance of tabbed windows
6: 3 style of tab layout: Fix size, Auto and Fit
7: Custom color for tab and its text for better identification among active and non-active tabs
8: Hide and show tab-bar with Win+q hot key
9: Ctrl+Tab to move between opened tabs like in Internet browsers
10: Right mouse click has features like Some additional features like all close, close the non-active documents, close active one, etc.
11: Ctrl+n to create new tab in the opened window
12: No support for drag n drop of an opened tab
My view is this is a good tool to be used with MS Office 2007. If you are easy with tabbed browsing, you will like it. There is no problem is testing it. Open the following page into your browser and look at snap P to find where you should click to download OfficeTab1.22.
The word which you should click to download OfficeTab v1.22 has been highlighted with red boundary.
I wished, too, the same feature but not possible in near future.
this is really helpful.