
Free Kindle Book: Beginning iOS 10 Programming with Swift 3 [Save $39.99]


begin programming with swift language book cover

Almost three years ago in 2014, Apple introduced a new language Swift for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. Before Swift, programmers have to bang head against Objective C but that’s old time story. Swift is a new language but it is getting it shape well done. There are changes from day one to make it better and better.

Now if you are new to Apple and want to develop apps for Apple’s closed walls devices, you need to learn Swift. If you have not started doing so, you must do it because developers for Apple world earn a lot.

You must have Mac to develop apps for Apple’s ecosystem.

The book Beginning iOS 10 Programming with Swift 3 will guide you step by step. It will take you from start and will put you in advanced level. After reading a few pages from the book, now I have strong feeling to learn Swift. I have added the book in my Kindle. The summer is coming. I will have a lot of time to do stuff I like. I will add this task to my to-do-list.

Some of the highlights from the book:

  • Build first app
  • Auto Layout
  • Designing UI
  • Prototyping
  • Creating, customizing and interacting Table Views using Prototype cell and UIAlertController
  • OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Animations and Visual Effects
  • Working with maps, tab bars, storyboard references
  • WKWebView and SFSafariViewController
  • CloudKit
  • App testing
  • and a lot more

Important: All the freebies mentioned here are free at the time of publishing this article. It may, you see some price tag instead of “Free” when visiting the store which means the product is no longer available as “Free”. Not being free and you buy or download it, you may be charged with the price of the product. Please, also be aware that some apps may have in-app-purchases options.

If this little list gets you interested, go ahead, press the big yellow button below and get your free ecopy of Beginning iOS 10 Programming with Swift 3.

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