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Advanced Uninstaller Pro 10.6 Released As Freeware [Latest]


Burden On PC: General concept of uninstalling any software will also remove its all traces from computer is not correct. Most probably, whenever you uninstall a software it always leave some files and registry keys behind so that whenever you reinstall that software, it can reconfigure itself to previous settings. Most of the time, these leftovers become burden on system resources by capturing extra disk-space results increased read-write-execution time and fragmenting Registry with useless keys because mostly uninstalled software are not re-installed. This long simple sentence means Windows default uninstaller is not good enough to remove software completely from your computer. You need a specialized tool to remove all leftovers. Advanced Uninstaller Pro (current version 10.6) is the one specialized tool which removes all traces after uninstalling any software. It was used to be shareware but now Innovative Solutions has released it as freeware.

Advanced Uninstaller Pro 10 Overview: Advanced Uninstaller Pro is more than an uninstaller. This new v10.6 has many extra features which if find separately could be found in many different software. I am afraid writing about all features will only make this article lengthy though you can explore all those features by yourself and by reading Help files. Below, I will only explain all modules to give you the idea of respective module. You will also find below how you can register your free software. First of all download and install Advanced Uninstaller Pro from the following web address:


On run the Advanced Uninstaller Pro, you will see a vertical button menu on left side and one horizontal menu at bottom. Bottom menu contains general features like Help, About, Registration, etc. All the tools are divided into Sections and sections are arranged as buttons in vertical menu on left side of main interface. Clicking on any section will open related features in front of it. The Sections are: General Tools, File & Folder Tools, Internet Browser Tools, Registry Tools, Reports & Extra Tools. Moving cursor over any tool will show some info below the tools list.

General Tools: Here are the main tools of Advanced Uninstaller Pro. You will find Uninstaller, Installation Monitor, Font manager, Control Panel manager, cleaners and some other tools. You need to uninstall a software or you are going to install a software and you want to monitor what changes will be made, you come to General Tools section.

File & Folder Tools: Here you will find the tools which will help you to find duplicate files, clean temporary folder, compression utility to save disk space and secure file shredder.

Internet Browser Tools: This supports only three main browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. You will find Add-ons manager, cookies manager, browser history manager, temporary file manager.

Registry Tools: Installation and Uninstallation of any software always change registry values. It is very important to keep registry in good condition if Windows is desired to be worked properly. Registry Optimizer defragment the registry which will increase PC performance. The other tools are Registry cleaner, Backup and Restore tools.

Reports & Extra Tools: A complete log of all installed programs including Windows updates, Windows services, Installation log can be found here. It will help you to find what you have installed or uninstalled from your system. You can also create shortcut of any tool on desktop. This will give you easy access to particular tool. Automatic Scheduler will run Advanced Uninstaller Pro on specified time.

Registration Advanced Uninstaller Pro: I think registration is not necessary but if you ever needed to register it, it is very easy. All the procedure is in English. Go to General Settings -> Rating -> Change. All further steps can done easily. Below the snap is showing Advanced Uninstaller Pro registered to ComputeLogy.com.

When I try to test buy button, the selling page told that I can not buy Advanced Uninstaller Pro. Below is a snapshot of that page.


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